HESCON in the ECO project "FOR LESS WASTE"

HESCON as a general designer participated in the EKO project for complex solutions in waste management, by designing a composting plant for biochemical waste processing. We have designed composting plants in several cities and towns in Slovakia, which will significantly increase the quality of their living environment!

The goal of this innovative project is the construction of professional composting plants for the production of high-quality compost, which will bring waste under control within cities and municipalities. Thanks to such a system, the municipality has waste under control and the quality of the environment in the given territory will be significantly improved.

Compost plants are designed in such a way that the material passes through them naturally - from reception, through processing to collection and removal of the finished substrate. It will ensure the sorted collection of municipal waste, recovery of biodegradable waste and mechanical-biological treatment of municipal waste. More info: https://www.menejodpadu.sk/kompostarne/.